The Kettlebell Swing is a whole body exercise that is designed to develop your grip and abs, as well as the whole posterior chain – calves, hamstrings, glutes, lower and mid back.
START by straddleing the kettlebell with your feet slightly wider apart than shoulder width. Squat down with your arm extended downward between legs and grasp kettlebell handle with a overhand grip. Position your shoulder over kettlebell with taut low back and trunk close to vertical.
PULL the kettlebell up off floor, slightly forward, just above height of ankles. Quickly swing kettlebell up by raising upper body upright and extending legs. Don’t try to raise the kettlebell with your arms and shoulders, imagine them as a pendulum - let your hip drive do the work. As you raise the kelttlebell, drive your hips forward and squeeze your gluters together. Raise the bell until your arms are parrelel with the floor. pause for a moment.
Allow the weight of the kettlebell to swing back down between legs. Repeat.
Variations of this exercise include: