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Functional TrainingDefinition
Functional training is the hottest category in strength training today. Functional training is a generic term for training your body for daily activities, specific movements, and sport specific training. The movements required for functional training involve incorporating multiple muscle groups and joints in a compound movement with weight resistance. These movements often require a combination of balance and strength. Conversely, traditional strength training involves isolating muscles to strengthen that muscle and simple joint movements.
For example, if you are interested in making your bicep as large as possible, a traditional, isolated bicep curl while seated on a bicep machine with a pad to isolate this muscle will provide the quickest results. However, in your day to day activities this muscle is rarely (if ever) used in this limited movement. This muscle is used in many compound movements such as picking up a bag off of the floor, or picking up your kids. Functional training encourages using strength training to exercise not only the bicep muscle, but other arm, core and leg muscles in a compound movement that will increase strength, stamina and stability for these daily movements.
Most gym machines and home gyms have relied on fixed, guided motion stations in the past. In the last 10 years machines are being developed with more flexibility allowing users to define their own motions and train in non-traditional exercise paths. The more popular style of functional trainers uses cables with pivoting handles to allow for this versatility, for example the Body Solid GDCC210 and GDCC200. Other machines can also offer functional aspects with technologically advanced pressing arms with multiple pivot positions, for example the Body Solid G4I gym. Lastly, many machines will combine traditional stations with functional stations in one machine, for example the Body Solid F400, F500 and F600.