Summertime is here, warm weather and outdoor activities explode all around the country at this time of year. However, this is also the time of year that fitness retailers will often get the summertime blues. Summertime has long been the slowest period for fitness retailers. Runners and bike enthusiasts take their passion outdoors meaning a sharp decline in indoor cardio equipment. However, strength training equipment maintains momentum through this period and many retailers shift focus to strength training to combat the decrease in cardio demand. People want to look fit when they go to the pool or the beach, and strength training is integral to looking your best.
Body Solid offers more quality home strength training equipment than any other company in the world. Body Solid also offers complete fulfillment for this category, offering not only the home gyms and machines, but the weights, dumbbells, bars, accessories and everything you need from one source.
With way too many to mention here, please check out our website to see our complete offering. The Body Solid brand offers the highest quality in home equipment and is backed but the famous Lifetime on Everything warranty. Body Solid also offers a wide variety of strength training pieces in the Powerline and Best Fitness brands covering any user of any exercise level.
Some of our most popular strength training units for summer sales are;
GPR370 Body-Solid Multi-Press Rack
GPR378 Body-Solid Pro Power Rack
GS348Q Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Gym
GDCC210 Functional Training Center
GFID31 Flat Incline & Decline Bench
F600 Fusion Personal Trainer
BFMG20 Best Fitness Sportsman Gym
BFOB10 Best Fitness Olympic Bench
BSG10X Powerline BSG10X Home Gym
PFID125X Powerline Multi-Bench
Retooling your floor to show more strength training during the summer is a great way to keep store traffic and sales up. Also, fitness enthusiasts buying quality strength training in the summer will be back this winter to get their cardio equipment.