Sell Inversion This Holiday Season
Inversion exercises continue to grow in popularity. The main benefit of inversion therapy is to relieve back pain. It does this through a combination of disc hydration, reduction in nerve pressure, and spinal realignment. However, along with relieving back pain, inversion therapy is great for building core strength and increasing flexibility.
The two most common items for inversion therapy are inversion tables and inversion boots (or gravity boots).
Body Solid offers two great options for these products, the Body Solid Tools GIB2 inversion bootsand the
Best Fitness Inversion Table BFINVER10.
The Body Solid Tools GIB2 inversion boots are perfect for fitness enthusiasts looking to get the benefits of inversion. They work great with doorway chinning bars (such as the Body Solid Tools PUB34 and PUB30). The BFINVER10 inversion table is safe and easy to use, making it the perfect option for individuals who are out of shape, deconditioned, or beginners. Make sure you stock and promote inversion therapy for this holiday season. These products can get new customers in your store and they make great gifts and add on sales.

BFRB1 Best Fitness Recumbent Bike
Body-Solid is happy to announce the new Best Fitness Recumbent Bike, BFRB1. Comfortable to use and very affordable, this bike has a sharp modern look. The walk through design makes this unit easy to approach for any level user. The lumbar supported back pad and the front handle bar both adjust to fit all sizes. The BFRB1 features eight levels of manual magnetic resistance providing challenging workouts. Feedback windows provide real time information on time, distance, calories and heart rate. Front transport wheels make this unit easy to move from location to location. Comfortable and affordable, the BFRB1 is a great way to get a quality cardio workout.

Looking for Body-Solid's 25th Anniversary Stories
Next year brings the official 25th anniversary of Body-Solid’s founding. In advance of our celebration, we are looking for good stories about your experiences or your customers’ experiences with Body-Solid products. Do you have one to contribute? How has Body-Solid helped your business? Do you have a customer success story for getting in shape or losing weight that you can share with us? The best of these stories will be featured during 2014 in our celebration activities. Please send your stories direct or call Scott McDonald at smcdonald@bodysolid.com or 708-427-3586. Thanks!