Getting Social with Body-Solid is Better for your Bottom Line
The evolution of marketing, advertising and public relations is being rolled up in to and summed up using two words “Social Media”. Social Media venues have included: Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Instagram, Google+, Linked-in, Wikipedia and various blogging sites.
In the process of updating Body-Solid’s website we too have created a targeted Social Media Venue to share valuable information about fitness trends, products and life styles with past current and potential future Body-Solid customers and fitness enthusiasts. We are inviting consumers and Body-Solid Dealer’s to interact directly in our forum (The Built for Life Club), to exchange, information, ideas, tips and reviews to help promote dealer growth as well as continue to promote the Body-Solid brand.
How do joining and most importantly participating in Body-Solid’s Social media network benefit our dealers? It’s simple, by participating in the Built for Life Club, Body-Solid dealers will be able to:
Interact with thousands of consumers and engage in discussions about trends, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Draw from a pool of information to help you create a better, more informed sales force that is more aware of consumer’s needs and concerns.
Stay ahead of the competition share and exchange information quicker than any other format, learn what’s hot and what’s not directly from consumers across the nation and around the world
Reach out to a larger target audience with less effort and less cost than main stream media.
Create and promote your fitness personality, post tips, give advice and reinforce your expertise. You will be able to post video on exercises, nutrition, and tips. The more you post useful and interesting information, the more followers you will get and the more credible you become in the network!
Share positive customer reviews about products and experiences with your company. Third party endorsements go along way with potential customers!
Create a Buzz! Have an exciting event coming up? In Store Clinic, Community event, Grand Opening? Post it! If the event is buzz worthy people will share it with people in your area.
Staying in front of your customers using good information tips, trends and new product promotions through social media reinforces your expertise and a connection with your customer helping you to retain them for future sales.
Social media levels the playing field for big and small. You do not need a huge advertising budget to reach potential customers. Providing good content promoting your expertise and sharing quality, useful information and reviews with customers in a valid format, like (Body-Solid’s Built for Life Club), is a giant step in the right direction for the future growth of your company.
If you need more information on how to get started please contact your Body-Solid sales representative.