Onsite fitness centers are a great amenity and convenience to attract new tenants and buyers of multi-housing units as well as keeping the existing residents happy. Most of these fitness centers are unsupervised 24hr key card facilities, so when it comes to product its best to pick a manufacturer with great customer service and an excellent warranty as well as to keep the selection simple and easy to use.
When selecting product for a multi-housing fitness center there are a few qualifying questions to be answered:
Number of residents, average resident age, and potential fitness center traffic – This helps to determine the quality level and durability of products needed.
Space for the fitness center – How many products will fit in the room and how much use will each get?
Budget for the fitness center and product selection – How basic or dynamic will the center be? Is product quality more important or number of products?
What is the primary age group the fitness center will cater too?
What exercise regimens will the center cater too? (i.e., cardio only, cardio and strength, accessories).
Some of the best multi-housing fitness center products are offered by Body Solid. The G9S(retail $3795) two stack selectorized gym allows two users the ability to workout simultaneously while hitting all muscle groups. The G5S (retail $2095) is a less expensive single stack gym which accommodates one user. A cheaper or additional free weight option would be the Pro Clubline flat/incline/decline bench SFID325 (retail $399) paired up with the Body Solid 40 inch 3 tier dumbbell rack GDR363 (retail $155) and 5 – 50LB rubber hex dumbbells SDRS550. Body Solid also has some great cardio options, B3R(retail $2225) Endurance self generating recumbent bike, B3U (retail $1699) Endurance self generating upright bike, E5000 (retail $2399) Endurance self generating elliptical, and T10(retail $2999) Endurance Commercial rated treadmill.
These are only a few suggested product selections, Body Solid offers many more commercial options: Pro Dual, Pro Clubline, benches, racks, cardio, iron and accessories. Visit www.bodysolidcommercial.com or call your representative to build a top notch fitness center.