Vertical Business Opportunities
It’s May and your retail business is slowing. What do you do? Where is your next customer? Relax, this is the time of year to focus on the vertical markets – schools, parks and recreation, police, fire, hotels, and similar. With the school year winding down, now is the time to reestablish your relationships with local schools as they will be buying this summer. Body Solid is a premium value in this marketplace with brands such as Pro Dual, Pro Clubline, Pro Clubline Leverage, and Body Solid Commercial. Be it a G9S Gym for the local hotel, a SCB1000 Counter Balanced Smith Machine for the High School, or a GDCC210 for Firehouse, Body Solid has the right answer at the right price
Core Training
The core muscles, those groups between your shoulders and legs are the root of all physical fitness and well being and strengthening core is a key part of any fitness program. Body Solid Tools, as its name suggests, has great tools for training the core. Examples include our new stability balls (BSTSB55), medicine balls (BSTMB12), and body bars (BSTFB12) all of which offer some of the major core training benefits of stability, balance, and strength. Also, developing a strong and stable core is key in injury prevention. Building stronger Abs with one of Body Solids many Ab machines (GAB350, GAB60, GCAB360) combined with strengthening the lower back with hyper extension exercises (GHYP345, GRCH322) is a good start to keeping your customers out of the doctors office and free of core injuries.
Cable Attachments
Almost every home gym in the industry offers multiple cable driven stations. Functional trainers and more traditional gyms with high, mid, and low pulley stations all have options to add Body Solid’s cable attachments to expand the number of exercises available or the quality of these exercises. This presents an opportunity to increase the dollar volume and profit margin of home gym and functional trainer sales. It is also an opportunity to follow up with customers and sell complementary products to a recent purchase. Swiveling bars, diverse handle positions, and premium grips are all great reasons to add cable attachments. Body Solid offers a wide array of complementary cable attachments, our Pro Grip accessories and our NB59 adjustable nylon cable handle are just a few options to help increase sales and customer satisfaction.