With the kids out of school, the summer buying season for educational facilities is ramping up. With the traditional slow season for consumer sales in full gear, schools are a great way to enhance your business.
Most salespeople probably drive right past schools on their way to their big accounts. For many fitness dealers, schools offer a wealth of product sales if you know how to work the system and get involved on the ground floor. Understanding their typical buying cycle will create more dollars and opportunities for both small and large purchases.
Smaller purchases generally address an immediate need where relationships with an athletic director or administrator can lock in your position for quick delivery. Make sure you make those calls and know who the decision makers are.
Larger purchases tend to follow a year long pattern of searching for potential solutions and generally include a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) from the school culminating in product installation over the summer.
Of course the above timing can change dramatically from school to school. At the end of the day, it is best to ask and tailor your sales around your prospect's feedback on their cycle.
Body Solid carries a number of excellent products that are perfect for school use. Our new Solid Rubber Olympic Bumper Plates are a great example. Bumper Plates combine improved protection for floors with reduced risk of injury for the use - always a special concern in educational environments. Now available in all Black(WRLLB-#) or color coordinated (WRLLC-# different color/size),these 17.7" diameter plates are fitted with a metal sleeve for proper fit and easy sliding. The plates are made of solid, high quality , resilient rubber (no crumb rubber used) with white number markings and 3mm brass inserts. Available sizes include 10, 15, 25, 35, and 45 lb plates retailing at $2.20/lb.
Supplement your plate sales with the Heavy Duty Power Rack (GPR378 retail $599) and Pro Club fixed Olympic benches (4 models/ retail $599). Each piece is made of thick 11 guage steel (1000lb capacity) and a lifetime warranty on the frame and welds.
For larger facilities, offer our complete 8 piece Leverage Line. With most pieces under $1000 retail, the Leverage Line features safety, durability and affordability to any school weight room.
Contact your Body Solid representative today for more details.