Leverage Gym Consumer's Guide Best Buy

Body-Solid has built the tank of free weight home gyms with the Body-Solid Leverage Gym. The three-station frame is a solid 10 and 11-gauge high tensile steel strength with all-four-side welded construction. It's a unit unsurpassed in strength and stability. Commercial grade pillow block and sealed ball bearings make for friction-free precision movement. The Body-Solid Leverage Gym also offers a unique spotting feature, providing safeguards at every station to prevent pinning under heavy weights. With the three stations, there are up to 40 exercises that can be done on this machine, and each station is adjustable to fit your size with the best possible positioning. It's a free-weight gym that's meant to be seen. The detail given to the stitching of the thick 3-inch DUraFirm padding that contrast so strongly to the rugged, raw strength of the construction kind of make the Body-Solid Leverage Gym a Best Buy at first sight.

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