Body-Solid carries a full line of commercial products perfect for whatever application you need. With one-stop shop capabilities we can provide all of your Fitness needs whether it is a small or large facility. All products are in stock and immediately available. Most products will ship within 3 days of your order.

With so many choices, here is a short guide to our commercial product lines. Much more information is available on line ( and in our commercial catalog.

Product Lines
- Series II
Our premium single station line designed with the functionality Body-Solid is known for in a sleek modern look perfect for any itness facility.
Products Include:
S2ABB - Ab & Back Machine S2LEX - Leg Extension
S2AC - Arm Curl Machine S3LPC - Leg Press & Calf Press
S2ACD - Assisted Chin & Dip Machine S2PEC - Pec Fly & Rear Delt
S2BTP - Biceps & Triceps S2MP - Multi-Press Machine
S2CC - Cable Column S2CCO - Cable Crossover
S2FT- Functional Trainer S2SP - Shoulder PRess
S2CP - Chest Press S2SLC - Seated Leg Curl
S2IOT - Inner & Outer Thigh S2SP - Shoulder PRess
S2LAT - Lat Pulldown & Seated Row  
- Classic
Body-Solid's original commercial line with classic designs and great options.
Products Include:
SCB1000 - Counter-Balanced Smith Machine SCC1200G - Cable Crossover
SDC2000G - Dual Cable Column SGH500 - Glute & Ham
SLC400G - Leg Curl SLE200G - Leg Extension
SLM300G - Lat & Mid Row SLP500G - Leg Press
SVKR1000 - Vertical Knee Raise  
- Pro•Duals
Designed for space challenged situations, each machine combines 2 exercise functions and is modular allowing them to be combined into a three or four stack multi-function gym as well.
Products Include:
DABB - Ab & Back Machine DLEC - Leg Extension & Leg curl Machine
DBTC - Bicep & Tricep Machine DPCC - Cable Column Machine
DCLP - Leg & Calf Press Machine DPEC - Pec & Rear Delt Machine
DIOT - Inner & Outer Thigh Machine DPLS - Vertical Press & Lat Machine
DLAT - Lat & Mid Row Machine DPRS - Multi-Press Machine
- Pro•Select
Our best and most economical single station option for smaller studios or even home use.
Products Include:
FCD-STK - Weight Assisted Chin-Dip GIOT-STK - Inner & Outer Thigh Machine
GCAB-STK - Ab & Back Machine GLP-STK - Leg & Calf Press Machine
GCBT-STK - Biceps & Triceps Machine GMFP-STK - Multi-Function Press
GCEC-STK - Leg Extension & Curl Machine  
- Leverage
For the plate loaded enthusiast, these machines combine ine tuned ergonomics with top quality construction.
Products Include:
LVBP - Flat Bench Press LVLE - Leg Extension
LVIP - Incline Bench Press LVLP - Horizontal Leg Press
LVLA - Lat Pull Down LVSP - Shoulder Press
LVLC - Leg Curl LVSR - Seated Row
SLS500 - Leverage Squat  
- Strength
These commercial quality strength products round out the Proclub Line lineup featuring the same economical prices with uncompromised design and durability as the others.
Products Include:
SCB1000 - Counter Balalnced Smith Machine SDB351G - Decline Olympic Bench
SDIB370 - Bench Rack Combo SFB349G - Flat Olympic Bench
SFID325 - Adjustable Bench SIB359G - Incline Olympic Bench
SGH500 - Glute & Ham Machine SPB368G - Shoulder Press Olympic Bench
SMR1000 - Multi Squat rack  
- Multi-Staion/Stack Gyms/Functional Trainers
there is no reater flexilbility than one of Body-Solid's multi stack gyms providing multiple exercise options in a compact space saving footprint.
Products Include:
DGYM - Modular Gym System | 3 or 4 Sack Gym with stations from our ProDual Line
EXM4000 -3 or 4 Stack Multi Staiton Gym | 4 sided configuration
EXM3000 - 2 Stack Multi Station Gym | Back to back configuation
GDCC - Functional Training Centers | 3 different configurations
G10B - Bi-Angular Gym (2 Stack) | Side by side configuration
G9S - 2 Stack Gym | Back to back configuration
- Hexagon Functional Training Rig System
Available with 23 different attachments and two different heights, this modular rig training system is fully customizable and perfect for any group training environment at a fraction of the cost of similar competing models. Expandable to any size
- Cardio
Offering a complete suite of products, our Cardio products offer great user interfaces with the same high quality design and construction that Body-Solid is known for.
Products Include:
T100 - Treadmill T50 - Rehabilitation treadmill
E5000 - Elliptical B5R - Recumbent Bike
B5U - Upright Bike B4R - Recumbent Bike
ESB250 - Indoor Exercise Bike ESB150 - Indoor Exercise Bike
FB300B - Endurance Fan Bike R300 - Endurance Rower
- Weights and Accessories
With a wide variety of products from Medicine Balls to Stability Balls, Jump Ropes to Resistance Bands, weight lifting bars of all sorts, multiple styles of dumbbells, kettlebells and weight plates, Body-Solid Tools provides the final touches for any fitness studio or center.


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